Hi! I'm Marie
You have gifts to share with the world and my job is to help you get them out there.
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If you’ve ever felt like your body is working against you — especially as a woman — you’re not alone.
Whether it’s unexplained weight gain, mood swings, or a sluggish metabolism, these changes can leave you feeling frustrated or powerless.
But what if I told you there’s a way to reset your hormones, boost your metabolism, and feel incredible in your body again…without dieting or cutting calories?
In today’s MarieTV, I sit down with the amazing Dr. Mindy Pelz, a leading expert in women's health and fasting. We explore groundbreaking research on how women can finally harness their unique biology to thrive, no matter what stage of life they’re in.
Dr. Mindy Pelz is the best-selling author of Eat Like a Girl and Fast Like a Girl, keynote speaker, and one of the world’s leading authorities on fasting for women. She’s helped thousands of women understand how to work with their hormones — not against them — to lose weight, build muscle, and get their energy back. If you’ve been searching for real, science-backed solutions to feel your best, Dr. Mindy is the woman to listen to.

In this episode, we cover:
- Why calories are BS — and what to track instead.
- The secret hormone cycles every woman needs to know.
- How to make intermittent fasting work for you at any age (yes, even post-menopause!).
- Good Carbs V. Bad Carbs — & the problem with “keto”.
- How to change your taste buds so you actually crave what’s good for you.
- The “magic” chocolate cake that doesn’t spike blood sugar.
- How sunlight and your circadian rhythm affect what you eat.
- The 3 biggest mistakes women make with food.
- Hidden “Obesogens” every woman must avoid!
- The most toxic beauty products on the market.
- Why fasting is so controversial (plus, 3 times you should NEVER fast!)
If you’ve ever felt frustrated with your health or wondered why your body just isn’t responding the way it used to — this is a must-watch episode.
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Can we just like say right here
right now like whoever is listening between you and I
like we're done with calories
they it tells us nothing about our health
it doesn't give us any vision of
of good hormonal health
it is an old outdated theory that needs to go away
I mean
between your podcast and your YouTube and the book
you've literally helped
millions of women start to reclaim
from my perspective
a sense of empowerment about their own healing
and their own health
and how to take care of themselves in a new way
and now you've got a new book out
eat like a girl
which we're gonna talk about a little bit later
but first I wanna ask you
why do you think
that so many of us struggle when it comes to food
and maintaining our health
and our hormones in our weight
like what is it that's going on with us that
based on your information
your research and your knowledge
that it's been such a challenge
and why does fasting like a girl
like why is it work for so many yeah
can I give the incredibly authentic answer here
okay so
and you know
I always say I'm like I'm not a conspiracy theorist yes
but women are living in a patriarchal world
that has been all about one size fits all
so whether it's a diet
whether it's we go into our doctor's office
whether we go and work out
we're always looking at this one size fits all
we never pull it out and go
how does this work for my feminine body
so the the pace of the world is so disregulating us
cortisol is up food is full of toxins
toxins are making us overweight
they're messing up our hormones
like literally the
we're at an evolutionary mismatch with the modern world
and do you think let me ask you about that for a second
so you don't think I mean
the toxins have to affect men and women
somewhat the same I
I actually don't think they do
oh yeah
and let me tell you why yeah
so men are run by one hormone
and that hormone is testosterone
we know this you know
and it comes in every 15 20 minutes
they work off a 24 hour cycle
women we are run by three hormones
estrogen test progesterone and testosterone
and we work off a 30 day cycle
now with men
they will make testosterone
and it'll go up into the brain
and convert into estrogen
so they only have really one hormone to focus on
whereas our 3 hormones
they all want a different lifestyle
they all react to toxins differently
like they just are a little more sophisticated
let's just put it that way
I love that I love that take on it
cause my mind was going someplace else
and I love that you put it in that frame
yeah so let's use estrogen as an example
if I'm putting a food in my mouth
that is an endocrine disruptor
and it has a chemical in it
or even up something on my skin
and it it mimics estrogen yeah
I'll eat that I'll lather it on my skin
it goes in my body and my body thinks it got estrogen
but once that estrogen gets in the cell
the body's like wait a second
this isn't real estrogen
so estrogen production gets altered
and then the bodies like this fake version of estrogen
I have no idea what to do with it
so I'm gonna go ahead and store it as fat
and so
it starts packing it away in all these different areas
then we as women
what do we do when we don't like our bodies
we go look in the mirror and we're like that belly
that back of my arm my booty
I don't like it I need to change it
and we shame it and we shame ourselves
yes and one of the challenges in that moment is that
I always call it we turn on ourselves
we start saying poor things to ourselves
and then
we become hyper vigilant about working out more
dieting more doing more
trying to get rid of this chemical
that really
shouldn't have been in our body in the first place
so instead of like sitting down and being like well
this is a bummer that I've got this extra weight
we overdo it now we've raised cortisol
when you raise cortisol
progesterones like I'm out like cortisols here
I don't like cortisol
I'm just gonna go hide here in the corner
and progesterone is completely gone
so one beauty product
one toxic food eaten over and over and over again
can lead to this massive
imbalance of these two major sex hormones
for us okay
so I wanna put a pin in that
and come back to connecting it to fast
like a girl and how that has helped so many millions
but I also wanna say right now
so I'm a creature of habit and I just have to like
I love you so much as my friend
and we just did something
I don't know by the time we are
this will be able to like
put a little picture and picture clip
but I often and this is a habit that um
you've helped me break actually
where I have certain snacks
that are like my go to snacks yeah
we're just saying right
if you kind of eat this particular food
or you lather something on your skin
over and over again there's this massive imbalance
and what I didn't realize until you open my eyes to it
which was about my chips oh
cause I
I am salty in all of the ways
like I am just a little salty New Jersey girl
and I like my salty treats
like I know many of our watchers and our listeners do
so I didn't realize that some of my veggie chips yeah
who are steeped in these like super shitty oil yeah
you know what I mean I'm doing that again and again
so I just we'll talk about that more later
but I wanted to thank you publicly
because I've now been passing that along
and like I've changed how Chris
you know me and my best friend Chris
we were out
we were doing one of our little Dream Club retreats
and we're like shopping and Whole Foods
um we actually sent you a video
I was like Mindy approved chips
cause you changed how we shop
so this this information is just so important
because I bet you there are a lot of folks out there
like me you've got your go TOS
yep yep
and you don't recognize
you're not fully aware of every ingredient in there
yes and how it might be impacting your moods
and your mental health and your physical health
yes and that
making some of these changes
can just have such a dramatic effect
so quickly so yeah
connect that for me to to fasting and to why fast
like a girl has really helped so many people like yeah
it's so interesting because I'm even been blown away
I'm like what
what and I picked up the book several times
yeah since I put it out
I'm like what did I say
you're like what
magic did I say exactly
you know how you write a book like that
it comes out to Lee two years later
you're like what did I say at that time
yeah um
and what I think is that fasting provided a break
hmm if we
if that's all it did
is it gave women a break from this toxic food
and in that break their body started to heal themselves
and then they became curious of like
why is that happening
and that's really why we are putting
eat like a girl out because now I'm like hey
guess what fasting work
cause you took a break from all these toxins
now let's get your eating dialled in
so that you don't have to
you know you can have a good
healthy balance of both fasting and eating
yes but
I literally think it's a break from the modern world
is what it did so
anyone who's not familiar
cause there may be people right
there's those of us who are like
existing in this world of being obsessed with our
our health and trying different things
I have my friend um
Regina whenever we text to go out to dinner
we're like okay
what eating regiment are you on now
you know what I mean like
is it are there beans
are there no beans are there gluten or there
you know we laugh our asses off because this
it's been going on for years
right for those not familiar with fasting
it doesn't mean not eating obviously yeah
you just break down a little bit of what fasting is
and like the top sheet on what the research shows
are some of the benefits especially for women yeah
so it might be helpful
for people that think of it as time restricted eating
so I actually just had such in Panda on my podcast
and we talked all about circadian rhythm
and one of the things he said is that
the most important thing for circadian rhythm is
your timing of food now
if we just take that idea
like really how many years have we been debating
which diet to be on
totally and it's like all of a sudden were like
wait a second it wasn't only the food you were eating
but it was when you were eating
so that would be the first thing that I like brain aha
that I want people to have
is that it's not just about quality food
it's about how you're
what time you're gonna put that in
so that's the first thing
second thing that blew me away
once I understood this was
we actually have two metabolisms
so think about that for a moment like wild
how many ladies nights have you been out
and a girlfriend is like my metabolism is really slow
I must have a thyroid problem
I must have this problem and we just walk around like
like it's one metabolism but it's not there's two
so we actually are like a hybrid car
so we have
one metabolism that stimulates when glucose goes up
and glucose is just the scientific term for
when we eat food your sugar blood sugar goes up
and then we have another metabolism
that kicks in when we don't eat
and it's called the ketogenic and energy system
where our body will actually burn fat
to create this fuel source
called a ketone so
we're meant to metabolicly switch
from one metabolism to the next
so so think about this
this is something literally that I
I could spend a Friday night like geeking out on haha
and that is we've been over here as women
like trying to figure out the best diet yeah
but that only works for the sugar burner system
it only works for one metabolism
so you can take any diet you can take
you know the plant based
you can take carnivore you can take any trendy diet
and if you match that to a different eating window
or what we call fasting window
leaving a bigger time for no food
that diet's gonna work better for you
because you've now clicked into both metabolism
you know it makes me think to what I know
as being like a former Nike athlete
and just someone you know
taught in fitness forever dance forever
it's like I know
my body responds best
when I don't do the same thing over
and over again right
right and so there's this dynamic switching
yes that happens where you keep
you know from a physical fitness perspective
you're kind of keeping everybody
all of us on our toes
and then everything gets stronger and better
and that's what I get reminded of
when I hear that from you
it's like this ability to flex and be flexible
and imagine that the fitness analogy is a great analogy
what if you went in
and you did the same workout every single day
your body would adapt yeah
it gets so smart it gets bored and you get diminishing
that's right yeah
it's the same thing
that's why we call it metabolic switching
let's play with both of these metabolisms
in fast like a girl I mapped out six different length
fast and eat like a girl
we're now mapping out two different food styles
and it's like okay
let's we're born for variety
yeah so
the reason people can't do diets long term
is it gets boring it gets rigid
it gets like I can't I
I can't socialize with my friends
I can so bored with my food
yeah and what I'm saying is actually
you can do it all and lose weight
and balance your hormones
and love the body you're living in
yes and for all of my um
my sisters out there who are non cycling
whether you are past menopause or like me
you know no longer have a uterus still have my ovaries
but I remember when I read your book
I was like I'm like
can I really map all this with the cycles
what would you say for those of us who again
can't necessarily um
and in an easy
super easy way track where we are in that 36 day cycle
yeah so the first thing I wanna say is
oh my gosh
there are so many women out there without a cycle
yeah it's crazy
and something in the research for eat like a girl
that just blew me away is
I've been
trying to figure out what's in menstrual blood
like when we shed every single month
like when we're supposed to have a cycle
what's in that
I found a study and it was four different chemicals
there's plastics there's phates
forever chemicals and pesticides
oh like crazy right
so when we're shedding every month
we're actually detoxing which is really important
so now
let's fast forward to what if you are of cycling age
and you don't have you're not shedding every month
okay well
that's that's a challenge
and so what I do with those people is
we try to get them eating
like following and eat like a girl
had three principles of
what it meant to eat like a girl
and it's like principle No. 1 is like
we gotta diversify our food choices
which we've already talked about
principal No. 2 is like
we've got to eat to support our liver and our gut
so we can break down
these hormones that our body's producing
and then principal No. 3 is
we've got to eat to detox these hormones
hmm so I found when I taught women how to do that
and then I matched it to their fasting window
their cycles came back wow
so and which is a gift right
yes because now you're detoxing
let's talk let's go a little bit deeper
into the diversifying of food
because I hit on it from the fact that like
I can get myself into rats
which I think yeah
a lot of people can
and you get your favorite foods whether or
you know again
not the best in the world coming from a bag or a box
but even if it's Whole Foods
and you just keep eating the same good
clean Whole Foods again and again
yeah I feel like there's great
new things that I keep hearing about
and I'm sure you've been talking about this forever
like uh
you know trying to get like 60 different vegetables
oh yeah
and it's been I've been having so much fun with that
oh good
oh my God grocery shopping is
one of my favorite things in the world
Josh always knows is like
do you need to grocery shop
I'm like yeah
I need to go to a big grocery store with my cart
and just like
roll around and just pull all the
it's the it's the best thing
so but that's a that's a principle from eating yeah
it's yeah
so so when you go when your body goes to make a hormone
yeah it actually pulls in 24 key nutrients
I map that out and eat like a girl too because
you know I
I've fallen prey to this
where I've eaten the same foods over
and over and over again and I think a lot of us do that
but when you take in your food sources
and you've made them very narrow
and they're the same over and over again
you're missing out on many of these 24
so I have a real principle I use for myself
which is like when I go out to a restaurant
I look at that menu and I don't think
what am I in the mood for
I think what do I
what don't I eat oh
and so then I'm like okay
I need to eat like last night I
we haven't had salmon forever
and I was like oh
I need some good salmon
I haven't had it in like a month
so it wasn't like I was craving salmon
but I was like I need that and had fava beans
I'm like I never eat fava beans
let me have that that's awesome yeah
so I love it so I do
I use restaurants as a way to do that
but my I geek out on farmers markets yes
yes they're the best
I mean they're amazing fairy tale land yeah
like here in the city going to um
the Union Square Farmers Market
every time I walk over there
it doesn't matter what time of year
it just it's like a coloring book right
you know like all the different yeah
I don't know what the hell that is
so here's something I do at farmers markets is a
get to know your farmer yeah
like and
and then we ask him we're like what
you know tell us about your soils
what tells about the conditions
and now you have this like really cool
intimate relationship with the guy who
or gal that made your food yeah
um and then it's
you really get to see that the health of the soil
like some of these farmers
care so much about the health of the soil
which is really important
because now
you're getting more nutrients from all of that
and then I look at like
like we have this back in California
I have this farmers market
or this one vegetable company
and they have the most interesting heads of lettuce
that I've never seen so I go in there
I'm like I don't need that
I don't need that and I just get a variety
and then I know
I'm exposing myself to these nutrients that I need
to make hormones
I love that okay
I know um
is fasting good or recommended for every woman
or for some women maybe it's not what yeah
that's your perspective on that
that's such a good question okay
I'm gonna answer that by telling
you something that's really controversial
and everybody on social media likes to call me names
when I say this oh great
this is gonna be so fun and we love it
so fasting is for everyone
it's like sleep
it is a healing state you put yourself in
now that doesn't mean everybody can do it
just like not everybody can sleep
and we just passed a sleep spa yes
like the fact that there's a sleep spa here tells you
not everybody can sleep
so our body was literally meant to go without food
and when you go without food
it goes into this repair mode
now having said that this is
everybody gets mad at me
because what happens is if you struggle too fast
and you can't do it then you feel like a failure
yes and you feel like something happened
you know is wrong with you
and then when I come out and say
everybody should be fasting
it feels like it's that I can't do it
that's right yeah
and so then you know
one person yells a name at me and they're like
right what she said yeah
yeah right
so um
but having said that
there are some specific times you should not fast
and I think it's really important that we
we talk about this first is pregnancy and breastfeeding
never fast if you are well for sure with pregnancy
that is not your tool
there are a lot of tools you can use for your health
like avoid toxins eat for your microbiome
these are all amazing uh
nursing because fasting what it does
especially the longer fast
is that your body starts to shed the old
and it'll dump that into your breast milk
and if it's toxins it'll go into your baby
let's just take it out for those two groups of people
yes um
the other one in
this one's really interesting are eating disorders
and I'm gonna I'm gonna say a couple things on this
one that I think is really important
and I hope people hear this with a curious mind
I love that which is that I have watched
and personally coach people with serious ear
eating disorders
that have dramatically changed their relationship to
to food through learning how to metabolicly switch
I'm working right now with
actually a very popular actress
and she came to me without a cycle in her mid 30s
and was struggling with
trying to figure out what to eat
and she needs to stay thin for her job and all of that
I understand that um
but she was doing the classic let me eat nothing
let me keep calories really down
let me work out more like there was that calorie in
calorie out so with her we didn't start with fasting
we actually started with food
and I put a continuous glucose monitor on her
and I said okay
you just eat eat for two weeks
and every single day
I want you to send me your blood sugar um
and we just created this healthy relationship with food
before I took all that food
and put it into a time restricted window
so it's pause and now a year later
she's doing incredibly well
she's been eating more she
it's just been a really positive experience
and so I think we have to not just say
anybody who has an eating disorder shouldn't fast
yep I think this is part of why eat like a girl was
was made is like let's come back
and repattering your relationship to eating
and then we can go back and talk about fasting
yeah and I feel like
you know in today's world
I think that we're coming out of this
which makes me wanna do cartwheels and and
and do high kicks is which you're probably good at
oh I loved oh
I was a cheerleader are you kidding me
I was a maniac I was such a maniac
I like put our whole cheer team on
like a strength training program
like who the hell was that
what was I thinking I don't know anyway
it's the story of my life
but my point is I do think that people
hopefully are coming back to a more
nuanced understanding of everything
I hope so too you know what I mean
like hey
if one person struggling with X
y or Z eating disorder okay
maybe this might not be for them right now
but let's not throw the baby out with bath water right
let's just open our minds and like you said
be really curious and go oh well
can we have a better relationship with food
can we understand more about
how the food that we put into our bodies
the information has different chemical reactions
and can you learn how to have this harmony
yeah yeah
so yeah it's so well said
and I wanna say something about the nuance
cause I think this is really interesting
you and I haven't talked about this with social media
so much changed in the health world
yes so like
people started to see like health from a new angle
but it was really positive in the beginning
and now it's getting where people look at one real
and they're like oh
I'm not supposed to fast I'm supposed to do that
or oh I'm not supposed to
I'm supposed to be eating more protein
so maybe I should do that
and we've gotten into these
no pun intended
but like bite size like pieces of information
which is why podcasts like this are so important
because there's so with the feminine body
I can't just tell you fast this way and eat this way
like I had to write two huge books on it
yeah and I
I do wanna underscore 2 I
I really really
and this is before you and I became friends
I had so much admiration and respect
and I was like giving you um
high fives and fist pumps when I read fast like a girl
because you very very clearly stated hey
this is not black and white yeah
these are guidelines good
these are things to experiment with
and then see how your body feels
see how you feel so that you can adjust for you
and I think you know
it puts the responsibility back on us
that's right and
and really invites us to listen
that's so so true
and look and feel yeah
which is what I think many of us have been missing
we're just like well
just tell me what to do right
you don't even fit it into an neat little box
like a check it off and it's like
slow down yeah
and and let's just pay attention
and I do I do think as women yeah
we have a really strong intuition
when we're willing to tap into it
yes and if you look at us hormonally
like I said we're very sophisticated and with whore
with several of our sex hormones
a lot of neurotransmitters get stimulated
so the fact that we outsource our power to uh
you know
someone on Instagram or an author who writes a book
like my whole message is here's how your body works
and here's an interesting health tool
now you go be your own what we call end of one
like you go figure out how that works for you
but it's gonna require that
you take some responsibility
as opposed to I walk into my doctor's office
I'm sick I vomit my symptoms all over the doctor
he or she tells me a diagnosis
gives me a prescription and I'm like okay
now that's what I do yeah
we've entered a time where that for the
at least for the feminine body
that's not working oh
oh god it makes me wanna I mean
the Jersey girl on me like
so many times I've walked into the doctor's offices
and I've just walked out
like wanting to slam my head at a master wall
and I think what's so cool about where we are now
especially with something like a
continuous glucose monitor
as just one of many tools
database tools
where we can understand what's happening inside of us
right I remember many it was probably like maybe 10
15 years ago
I wanted to get a particular cholesterol test
I Hyman had you know
I'd heard about something and it was like
oh the gross numbers that's fine
but we need to understand particle size density
like just some more nuanced aspects of it
and I remember walking into like at that time
my primary care doctor and they're like
why do you need that test
there's a question about why do we need that test
cause I asked him for a set
this is my body I got
you know here's my checkbook
like I'll but like no
you don't and I was
it was so infuriating to me
you know so now I just love that we're in this place
to build on what you were saying
for anyone listening this conversation
you can start taking these tools
and then using other data based methods to understand
besides your own feelings
that's right
and beside your own lived experience of like wow
I have more energy that's right
whoa my cravings
or the moods or everything starts to be evening out
and I'm feeling a lot more powerful
and strong in my body and hey
can go get these blood tests or hey
I can go check my blood sugar and see in real time
for myself yep
not what the internet's telling me
yep but
how this particular grouping of foods
is interacting with my experience of living
yeah it
it that was so well said and
and I think as women
if we just gathered as much information as possible
and then just tested it on ourselves
yes and then
we also have to be willing to do something opposite
than our that our bestie might be doing
yes because we also
what do we do like
I always like ladies night out
everybody's out and they're like
oh my God
I did this diet and I did that and you're like
I'm gonna go do that yeah
it's gonna work for me
and then we go home and we look like we're up
and we're like that's the data
that's what's been missing
and then you go and you do it
and then you don't get the result your friend got
yes and then you turn on yourself
we're so bio individual we're so bio individual
Chris and I have that great relationship cause you know
Chris Power Vegan has always been
and this is one thing I love about her
like she does not judge me cause I I mean
I so many vegetables I love my veggies
but she'll be like girl
do you need to go
do we need to get a piece fish for you
like yeah
like we support each other
it's amazing you know
and so I think that's how it should be
exactly and that's how the doctor should be too
this is a big thing that I've
really been trying to teach
my community is like
you know the
the best analogy I can give is
when you're putting a toolbox together
let's say you're gonna build something in your house
you don't look at the toolbox and go well
I've got a hammer and I've got a screwdriver and well
forget the screwdriver the hammer is way better
you look at what the job is
yes and you're like
well I need a hammer for this
I need a screwdriver for that yep
we should look at diets the same way
yep we should look at like fasting is a healing tool
and I there's six different level fasts that I love
and you get to decide when you're gonna
pull that tool out and then eating is also a tool
a health tool so now let's
if we go off those three principles
like maybe you need to increase
the diversity of the foods that you're eating
but your bestie doesn't maybe your besties
like I'm doing all the diversification
and then maybe your bestie needs to work on
gut and liver support
so she can break down her hormones
and you might be like why eat salads with everything
and then maybe another friend is like hey
you know what I got those two things nailed
I just really need to work on like
detoxifying these hormones
yes that's the nuance of the conversation
that needs to happen and then as women
like you said with Chris I
we are natural collaborators
we should never be talking poorly about another woman
we should never be competing with another woman
we should be cheering every other woman on yes
celebrating them what do they need
how can I be there for you
that's right um
let's talk about fasting and building muscle
so like one of the things I love feeling strong
like that's one of my favorite feelings to have um
I've heard a lot of people say that they are
somewhat afraid of losing muscle when fasting
so what's your perspective on that
I'm so happy you asked me this question
did I tell you to ask me
this is why we're such like soul sister friends
because we connect on the phone
so so
this is one of the biggest criticisms people give
fasting so here's what I've seen
and here's what the literature says
so when you go into a fasted state
your blood sugar is going down
so the brain registers that and says
where else have we stored blood sugar
and there are three places that stored it
the inside the cell the liver well
actually there's like four inside the cell liver
gut and muscle so it's gonna go to those areas oh
and fat so it's gonna go to those areas
and it's gonna start dumping all of that glucose
so as it dumps all that glucose
your muscles may appear as if they're shrinking
because the body is making self stronger
it's releasing stored glucose so in the actual fast
it might feel like the muscle is less
has has gotten smaller but here's the clincher
and this is why I'm so happy to put
eat like a girl out into the world
is that fasting is one part of the equation
so yes it appears as muscle shrinks when you fast
but that's why when you eat
you need to make sure you're powering up on protein
and I
I've fallen to the category of 30 grams of protein
especially in that first meal
I think that's a beautiful way to look at it
and it opens up an amino acid receptor site
that makes your muscles very much
receptive to all other amino acids the rest of the day
so if you are somebody who's fasting
you feel like you're losing muscle
then my answer to you is when you eat
eat and eat more protein and then you won't lose muscle
and and I'll tell you a story on this
that really blew me away was
I don't know like five years ago
I was in a yoga class with a group of women
that we were doing every Sunday morning
the same yoga class together
and this woman who is about 10 years older than me
came up to me after class and she's like
you are building muscle like what are you doing
and that was at the height of my fasting
I was like doing three day water fast
five day water fast but then when I ate
I'm a big protein lover
and what I realized I was doing is I actually was like
making the muscle stand out even more
because I was leaning myself out
by releasing all this stored glucose
and then I was powering up on protein
and I was building muscle
I wasn't lifting weights at the time wow
it was insane so
we have to bring both of these metabolisms into
the conversation when it comes to muscle
cause yeah you gonna 5 day water fast
you're gonna appear as your muscles yes
it's just gonna happen
but now go eat protein and see what happens
so I'm excited about this new book
cause it sounds to me as I'm listening to you
the inspiration behind it was like okay
fast like a girl amazing your other work amazing
but there was this whole other piece that
you wanted to dig into um
and I know last night
we were hanging out in your hotel room
just chatting up and I saw you get so lit up
first of all I love to cook
I love recipes and I think in this particular book
you went bonker pants on making sure right
no but that they are incredible
so can you tell us about the recipes
and eat like a girl yeah
this was so important for you to get it right
and who's the book for to yeah
well okay
so the interesting thing about who the book is for
and this is gonna be like
how did how can you accomplish this
um when fast like a girl came out
do you know that
there were two groups of people I heard from the most
the first was the women in their 20s and 30s
who had lost their menstrual cycle
I mean hundreds of thousands of messages
my team got about like well
what do I do about that and that's when we were like
oh what are you eating
we need to talk about the eating window
okay the second was all the mama bears
all the 45
50 year old women who had teenage daughters were like
help me get this information to my daughter
like how my daughter is suffering
so when I wrote this book
I really thought about everything
from the postmenopausal grammar
all the way down to the 20 year old
that doesn't have a cycle as
as you as an author you know
how hard it is to write to that wide of an audience
yeah but if anyone can do it
I know you you can do it
yeah I hope I accomplished it
and actually something really fun little side note
um when we went to go do the photos
I took my mom I brought my mom in who's 84
and then I brought my daughter who's 24
oh god so we're all 30 years apart
oh god so I'm 54
so the three of us are
there's some pictures in there of the three of us
yeah because I'm doing all the crying emojis
you guys like 17 of them yeah
and I and it was really important to me because that's
here are three generations of women
that are all using the principles
in the book very differently
my 84 year old mother doesn't go on three day water
fast but I do have her intermittent fasting
for her cognition whereas my 24 year old
you know
is more into food and and detoxing and eating clean
so we talk more about food than long fasting windows
so I really wanted to bring all three into the picture
and I love it it's like a grab bag
it's like this beautiful buffet
yeah possibility and it's like oh
what do I need
and you know what levers would I'd like to pull today
right exactly
um before we keep going on this
and I do wanna bring it back to the shafts
yeah I was gonna say we have to go back to that
but I wanna talk first
because I feel like our chip throwdown was so epic
and it you basic you basically taught me like
I was in the grocery store the other day
I'm like nope Mindy not approved
nope Mindy not approved nope Mindy not approved
so um but I wanna go back
are there things products
and maybe this is a whole other episode
we do in terms of anything that we should look out for
in terms of stuff and I'm asking for me personally
stuff that we're putting on our skin
like from a beauty perspective
most of I will say most not perfect by any stretch
but I think probably like 60 to 70%
everything is super super clean great
I'm curious if there are certain
ingredients that you're like Marie
I need you to watch out for this everybody yeah
this this
this and this okay
easiest way to determine yes
there are two apps that you can scan
all your beauty products with
one is called think dirty
cute name uh yeah
and it's put out by the Breast Cancer Prevention Fund
which is all about preventing breast cancer
the other one's called skindeep
and it's put out by the Environmental Working Group
you take those two apps and like today you could do it
just go scan your all your beauty
beauty cosmetics all my hair stuff yeah
okay great
and you just scan it all
and then here's what you can do
I usually say just throw out what's toxic
so like I'll go off think dirty if there
if it scores a 3 or higher or like really a 4 or higher
um throw it out
just throw it out um
now having said that cause you're in lights a lot
this is something actually a friend
a good friend she's become a good friend
Leanne Rhymes um
she and I had this discussion early on
when I first started working with her
and so she created two different makeups
one was the makeup she used when she wasn't on stage
and on lights
and one that she had to use because it doesn't drip
and it doesn't you know
it's like it held up better when she was performing
or on an interview yeah
so you could do the same thing
like you just section them out and make sure that
that moment when you're like look
I can't have like eyeliner boogers in my eyes
totally like you need to have your stuff yeah
so um
so I like that as an example of what you can do
but um
it's it's really important
that you dial your beauty products in um
those are all if they're toxic
they're endocrine disruptors
um there are so many reasons why
they are destroying your hormones yeah
I mean because it just think about it
I always think about this
I'm like uh
I'm doing all of this intentional work
yeah busting my little booty
you know trying to keep the diet right
you do this do the workout
and then am I like totally effing myself up
right over here undoing
you know or maybe making it worse yeah
the things I'm not even paying attention yeah
so I wanted to ask so thank you for that yeah
I don't have those apps downloaded
and then the other thing I would say is um
from the chip throwdown that we did
which people go watch that on my YouTube
I can't wait for you guys
it's I some I did something I did not know I was gonna
that was literally that was like
talk about Jersey Marie spirit
it was like awesome yes
so fun it's so fun
you guys will just have to go watch it to
to see it um
I put an ingredient list a label in eat like a girl
and I I literally take people through like
this is when I take it through
the lens of what this tells you about hormonal health
hmm and so I like
here's what these ingredients are
here's what that is and this is what you wanna look at
because you know
what we were taught is to look at the calories
yes and then maybe we look at the fat and that's it
but we need to retrain everybody
so that's the first thing
second thing and I'm not sure if I mentioned this
when we were together is
I put a huge chart in the book
on what is called obescience hmm
no we didn't talk about this okay
so this is really interesting
and something that I'm like
I hope people grab this with this book
is that there are chemicals that are put in our food
that are literally known obessogens
and what an obessogen is is
when you eat that chemical over
and over and over again it tells your stem cell
which your stem cells are
a cell that can go anywhere in your body
and make anything any anything
it tells your stem cells to make fat cells Jesus
so literally you're eating these chemicals
let's go to chips you have your favorite bag of chips
you're eating it over and over and over again
it's packed with obesogens and you're dieting
you're exercising you're trying to figure out why
you can't live in a body
or get your body to be the way you want it to be
but you don't realize that
the ingredients on your favorite bag of chips
you're eating over and over again
are actually reprogramming you to start to build fat
it's not a calorie issue it is a toxin issue
Jesus yeah
crazy right
it's crazy no
and this is why these conversations are so important
because again I thought I was doing real good
yeah until our chips are
then I was like
I got a whole other level go to
so we talked about um
I wanna really make sure that we break these down
I think these are two great philosophies that you have
and eat like a girl
the foundational 5 and the three food rolls
even if we've covered them before
I really wanna stick it
and make sure that people hear these
yeah so one of the things that I realize is like
I didn't really wanna write a book
that confused people even more
like I wanna take all the information that we've all
ever been given about nutrition
and let me simplify it for you
so the foundational 5 are pretty really simple
I hope people accept them that way
one is blood sugar matters
not calories hmm okay the calorie thing
can we just like say right here right now
like whoever is listening between you and I
like we're done with calories
they it tells us nothing about our health
it doesn't give us any vision of
of good hormonal health
it is an old outdated theory that needs to go away
love it blood sugar on the other hand
absolutely tells you how how quickly you're gonna age
if you're gonna store fat
if you're gonna balance hormones
it is such an important marker that I really feel like
if we could put a continuous glucose monitor on
every single person in the world
we would end chronic disease
I mean I believe it cause my dad you know
my dad has type 2
and he's taken himself off a little bit
and anytime we show him his numbers
cause he's number obsessed
gets under control right
and most of us do right when we have that instant data
and that instant feedback
and we can see in real time
that's right it wakes most of us up yeah
I mean how many of us don't know what our food is doing
most of us right totally
so you can eat a meal
you scan the continuous glucose monitor
and then it'll just tell you like
how did that food do for you
so blood sugar has to be like
at the forefront of everybody's brain
so that would be rule No. 1
which leads me to rule No. 2
which ties into this which is eat for your microbiome
hmm not your taste buds yes
this is a big one cause it how many of us have been
you know it's like if I
cause I've had and I've gone through some
just terrible things
where my microbiome was way off kilter
and it's almost like I could feel I'm like oh
there's like I'll use this
you know very technical term like shitty bugs in there
yeah wanting the sweets or the sugar
like it almost felt like little creatures going
there is there actually is
you should be eating this and that's terrible for you
yeah let's get more of it
yeah and I've also experienced other times
now is presently one of them
where things are nice it's healthy
it's strong yeah
and I am craving my veggies
I'm craving my fruits I'm craving my nuts
I'm craving my kimchi I'm
you know I'm craving the things that I'm like
I know intellectually that this is right
it's actually your bugs craving them
yes right
I'm like happy bugs good luck yeah
like this is the reframe we have to think about
so there are bacteria good bacteria in your gut
that sends your brain signals that says
feed me so like
they've actually identified the bacteria
that makes you crave chocolate
so when that bacteria is hungry
it's gonna be like you eat chocolate
and so then you're gonna go get chocolate
and if you get the
you know I'm a fan of chocolate by the way
I think a good high quality chocolate is wonderful
but if you go and eat like a chocolate
that you are like
oh this is what did you call it naughty
naughty town are we going to Naughty Town
are we going to Spanky Town
like at what level are we gonna be
yes yeah
like you go to Naughty Town
and you go into like a box of chocolates yeah
and then again you turn on yourself you're like
oh God I was going on that diet
I was doing so well and then I got stuck
and you start blaming yourself
and you don't realize that it's a set of bacteria
in your gut that actually is giving you these signals
so there was a
when I first started understanding fasting
there was a beautiful study that had just come out
this like 10 years ago
and it was called the every other day diet
and what they did is
they took a group of people who were
metabolicly challenged
let's just say that their blood pressure was high
their liver enzymes were off
their cholesterol was high
they were obese and they were eating horrible fit
and they said okay
here's what we're gonna do
you can eat whatever you want on one day
and then the next day you're not eating
and then the next day eat whatever you want
and then you're not eating
so every other day you fasted
and on the days you weren't fasting
you ate whatever you wanted
at the end of the year
every single person in the group had lost weight
and everything
and all their metabolic markers had changed
and every single person's food cravings changed
so the only reason that happened
was because their microbiome changed
so we have to go back if you literally look at a menu
or you're at a store and you go
I just did this with lunch before I came over here
I was like I
I my taste buds wants fries
yes yes
like I was like
a burger and fries sounds amazing right now
yeah but I also haven't been eating enough fiber
I've been traveling so I should probably get a salad
because my microbiome would love a salad
yes so
I chose a salad because I wanted to feed my microbiome
not my taste buds I love that and
and we all got to admit too
it's like the food and I don't know if this is the same
but it feels like it's a related conversation
about the abuse of gens like
come on who doesn't think like French fries right
it's like as a kid
amazing how much I went to McDonald's all the time
yeah but
you know
there was a million places where I have these memories
oh yeah
of comfort food you know and
and different things and like we're human
so you see that you smell that
yeah every time I go to a theater I
I am literally a Pavlovian dog
wow I don't do it
I don't activate it on anymore
but you know
for like decades when I was much younger
it's like the coat comes on
the popcorn I'm like yes please
you just you see it
you smell it you feel it
you want it
so don't beat yourself up if you have those cravings
but I love that yeah
you know and just
having the consciousness to make a different choice
yeah and just remember again I'm
I'm really hoping that this conversation
the book will like
pull the shame and the angst
and everything away from this diet culture
that so many of us have been living in
yes and when you're like
I can't stick to the diet
I can't stick sugar free I can't stay off alcohol
I really would encourage people to think like
I wonder what's going on like
am I feeding my microbiome
do I even know what that means to feed my microbiome
once you get in the habit of feeding your microbiome
your taste buds change
and I've seen this over and over and over again
but instead
what do we do when we sit down at a restaurant
like what am I in the mood for
yes when you ask that
question you're asking your taste buds
if you ask
what haven't I eaten that would be new food for me
and what could I do to feed my microbiome
you're gonna find that over time
your taste buds are gonna change
rule No. 3 uh
rule No. 3 and this one I love to is uh
eat nature's carbs not not human made carbs oh
tell it to us okay
so you know how the keto diet has been like
I feel like if the keto diet was like a human
it's like it's been glorified
it's been punished it's been like
put through all the different levels of acceptance
and hatred
and it's gotten a lot of confusion and people are like
what are what macro nutrients should I be eating okay
to me it's as bad as counting calories
let's just keep this simple
what we need to know is that a good carb
is one that the earth provided us
and a bad carb is most likely one that
that man made for us or humans made for us
so let's put this into action fruits vegetables
squashes potatoes like all of that sweet potatoes yeah
sweet potatoes are like my favorite yeah
like all of that nature provided us
and in that there was hormonal magic
so let's stop being like I need to go low carb
how about we just say I need to get off the breads
the cakes the pastas the cookies
like the highly processed carbs
if that's all we do
it just makes it so much easier than
when we were counting macros
like when the keto diet first came out
everybody was like 50 grams net carbs
they were on like all their different apps okay
that's not sustainable no
makes you crazy it makes you crazy
can't do it yeah
you run a business
or you doing a bunch of different things
like we are so it's like you're just
you kapoot on the totally crazy yeah
yeah so that's why I just started saying just like fat
you know we like
we're like everybody went low fat
yeah and then all of a sudden they're like
wait a second there's good fat
we need to go
and then we started talking good fat and bad fat
I wanna create the same conversation with carbs
there is man made carbs or human made carbs
and there is nature nature
and nature does as for
for us as females
I feel like the more I study the female body
the more I think we are so in sync with nature
like nature provided us with so many cool things
to support our hormones
it's pretty amazing when you like a sweet potato
yes is amazing for progesterone
um all of the really like green leafy vegetables
they're amazing for
the set of bacteria in your gut
that are called the astrobellome
and actually break down estrogen
hmm so
like nature knew what it was doing
when it provided a woman food
hmm all right
four uh
so number four is protein isn't just for men
oh now this one's changing the
the I
I think you know
it's interesting
in the time that I started writing the book till now
like things are changing really fast
oh my God protein
protein protein
yeah you are right
yes everywhere is like protein
I need to eat more protein
yep but why
let's let's break down why
so in protein
and it depends if you go animal or plant based
which again we should
we gotta make sure we talk about my chefs yes
um because I think they both have benefit
but just a sheer fact is that animal
meat has a more vast arrangement of amino acids
yep so
I can eat a steak
and get all the essential and non essential aminos
right then and there in one steak
whereas plants
you might have to eat a variety of plants
to get that same amount of amino acids
so amino acids are key
nutrients that you need to make hormones
you also need it to make neurotransmitters
so when we're not eating enough protein
it's not just about muscle
although yay muscle we love muscle
but it's also about hormones
so we've got to bring protein back
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and I think like again back with the macro counting
what end up happening is
everybody got into this place where they were like
restricting everything and I feel like proteins
the hero macronutrient like bring protein in yeah
like you can't really overdo protein
I love that which is amazing yeah
that's a good one okay No. 5 and then we go to Chef's
yeah so No. 5 is fat doesn't make you fat
I hope everybody knows this
but I I wanna
I wanna point this out
and this is something I talked about in the book
I feel like fat as a nutrient does two things one
our brain is 50% good fat
so just like I looked at what I needed to eat actually
it was pretty funny
because the waiter even asked me is like
I asked for extra avocado with my salad today yeah
and he's like you know
it already comes with avocado you're like
double up baby yeah
exactly I was like great add more why did I do that
well one
I knew I was coming here and like
wanted my brain to be at its sharpest yes
so half of the fuel source for my brain is fat
so I needed I needed that
the second thing fat does is
it puts the brakes on your blood sugar
so one of my chefs is a plant based chef
and when I first met her
she was feeding me all this foods
we had a retreat
she was feeding me all this all these different foods
and then and I had a glucose monitor on
and I would go back to her and I'd be like
check this out
like the the main course you just gave me the entre
it like spiked my blood sugar
could you do something else to make this so different
so wouldn't spike my blood sugar
well after a couple days of this
she brings me a chocolate cake and no yeah
seriously and she's like Mindy
I want you to try this and I'm like okay
I'll try it I was testing everything yeah
I scanned
I ate it scanned my continuous glucose monitor
and do you know that it made my blood sugar go down
what is this magic chocolate cake
yeah right
say it speak it for those people
so I said to her I'm like
what did you put in there
yeah she goes
MCT oil oh shit
and so it was the fat yep
that brought the blood sugar down
so just because you look at that and you're like
it's a dessert
and therefore it's gonna spike my blood sugar
what Chef Leslie did is put a lot of fat into it
and it brought it brought my blood sugar down
side note I have to say
some of my favorite non dairy
chocolate vegan desserts are based in avocado
yes like an avocado whipped kind of
do you know what I mean like chocolate mousse thing
and I met Josh like what the hell you doing
I'm like I'm being magical in the kitchen and it's just
yeah best
I love that
so if you think about just that concept alone
when it comes to eating we don't
I'm not advocating for deprivation
no no
that's one thing I need to say
and especially in fast like a girl too
cause I used a lot of those recipes in your book
and they're delicious yeah
thank you and I love this too
because again
for folks who are just getting introduced to this
you know when you are in your fasting days
and then I wanna talk I wanna talk about the chefs
then I wanna talk about the fasted snack
cause that's a really cool concept
um on the hormone feasting days
I got that phrase right right
where it just I I just remember feeling like
psychologically and emotionally so good
because it was the first time
that I feel like I ever read a nutrition book
that was like have the damn sweet potato
yep like have the carbs
yeah let your body just like yes
like it just felt like a Celebration
and thank you for that feedback
because when I went to go
look at these three different sex hormones
so we've got estrogen progesterone and testosterone
I always I said this in fast
like a girl
that estrogen and progesterone are like twin sisters
like we call them sex hormones
we clump them together we think they're the same
but they have vastly different personalities
so estrogen really
really wants you to keep your car blowed down
and want you to be more insulin sensitive
and then she can like make her appearance
and she's doing great
that a great example of that is like infertility
we saw so many women in fast
like a girl who could not get pregnant
finally get pregnant
because they start to learn how to cycle
the food with their their menstrual cycle
so we've got that on one hand
we've got that
whereas progesterone progesterone is like girl
give me a cookie give me some chocolate
sit your ass down on the couch
and then I will give you a menstrual cycle
that's literally like what she would say
so how do we rectify that
how do we like what do we do
and every woman knows this
because what do we do the week before our period
we like give me the bag of popcorn
absolutely like I don't feel like working out
yeah again
what we do is we shame ourselves like
I can't stick to my diet I don't wanna go to my workout
but what we don't realize is per gestrons
like knocking on the door and she's like
excuse me um
I need you to bring glucose up
and I need you to take cortisol down
so I don't want you to do the extreme workout
I don't want you to do a diet
I don't want you to fast I want you to eat and feed me
that's how complex and sophisticated we are
so I just think it's important that we look
a little deeper at what the female body is needing
and that's if those two hormones could talk
that's what they tell you
yes okay
chefs chefs
we heard plant based amazing chef
who rolled out a chocolate cake
that lowers your blood sugar
so this is incredible
so for any folks out there who are plant based
you're gonna have such a plethora of incredible recipes
yeah yeah
now let's talk about your other chef
yeah so the this
so I chef Leslie just a huge shout out to her because
um one of the things that I love about her
is her passion for plant based cooking
and she told me when I first met with her
she said
there's 23 plants on this planet that are edible
and my job is to turn those into
masterpieces that we can all eat
and then when I brought her the hormonal information
she's like oh my God
next level understanding for me
so the there is a whole track for plant based people
so you can pick up this book and you could be like
I'm vegan I don't ever wanna hear you say meat again
yep and you have a whole track in there
I did a 30 day plan just for vegans in there
that are all based off of her recipes beautiful
no no
I'm not plant based I believe in eating meat and I
but I also believe
we need to give choices to each other
we need to we need to be able to invite
everybody into the conversation
of what it looks like to eat
like a girl so
I needed to make sure that we brought the best
meat based chef in
so I found this incredible guy
and his name is Chef Jeff
let me tell you a couple cool things about Jeff
so for starters
he had a top restaurant in Vegas called Valencia Gold
and he owned that restaurant
so he's you know
in fact when is when the recipes first came back
we were like hey
we love you Jeff some of them are a little chefy
but like too much chef
so we like put those aside and made sure that
you know all the recipes that were in there
but they are the second thing is that
he Learned how to eat meat from the elder women
in Spain and I was like
this is perfect because like his recipes are
actually do have a little more of a Spanish twist to
him I love that
and they are based off of what he Learned
from these elder women I'm like
this is what I wanna bring
I wanna bring the wisdom of elder women together yes
and then the third thing when I asked him like
do you understand anything about women's hormones
turns out that he was a competitive pair
pairs figure skater oh
and he's like oh
I know all about this because I
my figure skating partner was a woman
and we had to train differently according to her cycle
I'm like what like that
like when have we ever heard that right
it's awesome it's amazing
so I just
and these two chefs were so into this project yeah
like he would Chef Jeff would send me text
he's like I just nailed keto caramel sauce he's like
we're gonna change caramel sauce for the world
and that recipe is in there
and then like plant chef Leslie was like
oh my God
like I sent her like she has a bunch of soups in there
detox soup she's like
I nailed that I wanted her
do a broth that was similar to bone broth for vegans
and she's like I did a functional mushroom broth
like they were all in
texting me as they were creating all these recipes
and I can't wait
it's and then when we shot the pictures for it
all the people who were like
eating the food that was shot for the pictures
they were like sending me messages like
this is off the hook oh dude
I can't wait to cook my way through it okay
fasted snacks what is a fasted snack
yeah and and how can we get our hands on right yes
so big question that a lot of people ask me is
what can I have in my fasting window
now let's break down that principle
before I go into a fasted snack
the goal is to metabolicly switch so when you eat
you're in the sugar burner system when you fast
you're in the fat burning system
now when
you start to switch from sugar burner to fat burner
it takes about eight hours before your body
really gets over there and starts making ketones
so I always say
you're safely in your fat burning system
at about 12 hours I get that four hours
from eight to 12 hours for some people is brutal
like they're just like I can't make it to 12
I can't make it to 15 like they go 12
they can't go to 15 or 17 hours
so I started scouting Pub Med
and Pub
Med is like the Google for all science articles
and I I wanted to see if there was anything out there
that showed that you can still get
all the benefits of fasting
but you could actually eat something
and so I found two examples
one was actually a study that was done on what we
they called it a fasted snack
and it it has some parameters
so you've got to keep your protein under 20 grams
in this fasted snack because once you elevate protein
you pull yourself out of something called a tophagey
which is this healing mechanism
that happens when you fast
so protein has to be under 20 grams
you have to keep it under 200 calories
was the other thing
and it had to be mostly made up of fat
so until Chef Leslie I was like
I the what I did all the time was a keto cup
have you ever heard of a keto cup
only from you but I don't know what's in it yeah
so a keto cup is just coconut oil with some chocolate
without sweetener I think
it might have monk fruit in it around the outside
and I would just tell everybody eat keto cups
if you can't make it in that fasting window
and you're struggling
let's just they're like training wheels
let's eat keto cups
but then I went on to study fasted snacks more
and I found that actually
one of the most interesting studies they did is
they took two groups of people
one group they said you're gonna fast 13 hours
and then you're gonna break your fast the other group
they said you're gonna actually fast 15 hours
but at 13 hours we're gonna give you a fasted snack
so and we're gonna see what metaboically happens
the group that went 15 hours eating the fasted snack
actually lost more weight
and the weight they lost was around their waist
circumference amazing amazing amazing
so then I started pulling that out and I was like okay
this is really interesting
like we let's how do we make this flexible
what if we could create fasted snacks
that will
really help people stay in that fasting window
but curb the hunger and so Chef Leslie created like
I think we have about 10 different fasted snacks
some of them are drinks because people like to drink
some of them are drinks that will stabilize blood sugar
awesome and then she has some fasted crackers in there
woo we have some some fat bomb dips
like there's a lot in there
I'm getting hung I'm gonna need a snack after this
okay um
I've heard you talk about not eating after dark
I know we talked a little bit about circading rhythm
hmm how talk to us about this
yeah should we not eat after or yeah
it's such a good concept
so here's what you need to know about hormones
is that they all play with each other
they like interact with each other
so melatonin when melatonin goes high
you actually become more insulin resistant
hmm so melatonin and insulin
they don't really like each other
they don't play fairly together
so if you think about it
the meal that you would have at 5:00
when it's light out
that meal will have a different insulin response
than the meal
if you have the same meal at 9 or 10 o'clock at night
because at 9 or 10 o'clock at night
you have a ton of melatonin
and so your insulin system is a little sleepy
it's a little sluggish so when you eat that meal
if insulin is the hormone
that will help shuttle glucose into the cell
so if insulin's asleep and doesn't come out
when melatonin comes out then what your body does is
it stores that extra glucosis fat
which actually brings up a really interesting point
that I also am trying to free people of
is all fat is is excess
that's all it is it's not undisciplined
it's not your bad person it's not your genetics
your brilliant body was like
I don't know what to do with this glucose
I don't know what to do with this obestrogen
I don't know what to do with this synthetic estrogen
hormone I'm gonna go ahead and put it around your belly
because if I put it in your breast
if I put it in your heart and your lungs
that's gonna end your life
and the No. 1 goal for me is survival
hmm so when melatonin's high
and we eat all that extra glucose gets shuttled to fat
that's the night time yes
the morning is interesting too
because what happens is you still have melatonin high
so it starts to shut off
and what shuts it off is looking at light
and now what ends up happening is that
insulin system gets turned on
but within the first hour of waking up
cortisol gets turned on too okay
whenever cortisol is high
cortisol was meant to make you move
so you should go
you should go walk or run first thing in the morning
but cortisol also makes you insulin resistant
so if you just get up in the morning
and you just wait an hour before you eat
you are
gonna have a better metabolic experience with that
because melatonin and cortisol have done their thing
and they are gone
and now you're more insulin sensitive
I love this so does this build into
I had a question about
are there fasting mistakes that people make
that actually cause them to gain
oh yeah yeah
let's let's talk about that because I think again
if someone's like oh this sounds really fascinating
I'm always want to know what are the mistakes
where can I step in it and I want to well
mistake No. 1 is they fast too long for too often hmm
it's like overdoing fasting yeah
so and this have for women
what ends up happening is all of a sudden
we got a bunch of complaints like people's hair
they're losing their hair or if you fast too much
you actually metabolicly can get stuck
and your body starts to hold on to weight wow
so with that's why in fast like a girl
I laid out six different level fast and I'm like hey
vary your fast of these six yep
so that's the first one second one
when a woman should never fast
the week before her period
cause that's when that's progesterone's moment yeah
progesterone's like
I want glucose and I don't want cortisol so back off
sit your butt
this is why the like what would we call it
the sit your ass down retreat your ass down retreat
this is something that Mindy
and I are considering doing
for all of us overachievers
who just need to sit our ass down
every once in a while and at that retreat
you know what's gonna happen
what is we're gonna just be sitting there
and people are gonna be like
what are we doing
and then I'm probably gonna get up and dance
and then we're all gonna get up and dance
and we're gonna make no
it's the sit your ass down which means we do nothing
yes so but yeah
so the week before your period
you don't want cortisol to go up
otherwise progesterone's out
one of the more interesting things I noticed from fast
like a girl that again
really shocked me is how many 20 and 30 olds
don't have a cycle
and now if we go back to what I said before
which is that's how we detox
this is a problem when you're 28
32 years old yes
you need to be able to shed that uterine lining
so I had a couple theories on it
one was many of the younger generation has got some
body dysmorphic issues and
and I think as women in general
we need to free ourselves
of trying to look a certain size
or look like everybody
or look like the person on Instagram
that's been photoshopped yep
so there's that but the
the other thing is that cortisol is
saturation for that younger generation is so high
and if you're stressed out all the time
progesterone's out and progesterone has to peak
in order for that uterine lining to shed
so you know
when we look at who you know
when when does fasting go dark
yeah it's when we're doing it too long for
you know too much of it for too long
and when women aren't minding
the week before their period
amazing it's that simple
I love it um
so this has been incredible
and I I really like in my mind right now
I cannot wait to cook my way through
I love like a girl is there
anything else that you wanna let the people know
or that you wanna say before we wrap
I I think we talked about this
one of the things I've realized in
and just being on social media
and having so many women
like report back to us how their health is
that women as a whole
we are massively dysregulated right now
like our metabolic system is dysregulated
our nervous system is dysregulated
our hormones are dysregulated
like we are so out of harmony with our own body
so when I put you like a girl together
my idea was now there is a combo of books
you can do fast like a girl and eat like a girl
and for the woman
she can learn how to get her metabolic system
and her nervous system
and her microbial system on track
just by using food as medicine
and the timing of food as medicine
once we get that all regulated
now we're gonna have another conversation
that will come in another book
but I think what's really important is that
we are constantly looking for that one thing
and there's not one thing
there's these systems you are rhythmic human
as a female you are in rhythm all the time
so eat like a girl
and fast like a girl
was meant to bring those three systems back into rhythm
I love it and me as a dancer
as you know
it's like rhythm and harmony and cycles and nature
yeah it's like this is who we are
this is who we're meant to be
it's a kind of really take a stand against
I think for many of us I know I was just conditioned
you know to almost behave like a robot
you know and like a production machine
and no matter what decades and decades of that
it's like
and you probably got disconnected from your body too
oh yeah
and I'm a very body center yeah
you know and
and so I just
I love it and I love your work and I adore you
and I appreciate everything that
you put out to the world
and thank you for taking the time
not only to be here today
but to do all of your incredible work
and to keep sharing so passionately
oh thank you again
I just appreciate the opportunity
because as women were more powerful together
yes and I think every time you and I get together
I'm like reminded of that
like we should be supporting each other
lifting each other up believing in ourselves like
like the the
the moment of competition needs to go away
collaboration is here yes
and the moment of us
trying to do what every other woman is doing
is gone the moment of I do it my way
a woman's way is absolutely here
so thank you
I appreciate you
hey if you love this video
you need to watch this one next trust me on that
If this conversation resonated with you, I highly recommend checking out Dr. Mindy’s books:
Her research is impeccable and her recipes are incredible. More than anything, I love how Dr. Mindy encourages women to eat in harmony with their hormones and their unique cycles — to make it easy to lose weight, feel fantastic, and enjoy life. Because, truly:
When you don’t have your health, everything else in life gets harder.
I hope this conversation encourages you to start giving your body exactly what she needs. You’re worth it!