
‟I made almost $200K the year I enrolled in B-School.”

Susana Cresce

Business & Mindset Coach for Latino Entrepreneurs

Washington, D.C., USA

‟I made almost $200K the year I enrolled in B-School.”

Susana Cresce

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As a first generation Latina in the USA, I still go back and forth between what I grew up with and what I’m blessed to experience now. As much as I love my culture, I didn’t realize how much empowerment we need when it comes to making money, being successful on our own terms, and truly being ourselves.

My biggest win was realizing that my gifts are “bilingual” and that I don’t have to choose between one gift or the other. When I fully embraced that, my best year to date happened… I was able to make almost $200K the year I enrolled in B-School.

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Susana Cresce

Business & Mindset Coach for Latino Entrepreneurs

Washington, D.C., USA