Hi! I'm Marie
You have gifts to share with the world and my job is to help you get them out there.
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Did you know this whole MarieTV shebang started exactly one year ago?
That’s right. MarieTV aired its first official episode right after the New Year and we’ve been pumping out badass weekly videos ever since.
In today’s very special Anniversary edition, I’ll share my vision for the next year of MarieTV, plus I’m giving YOU a gift.
It’s a simple yet powerful planning toolkit to help you get more done in the next 12 months than you’ve got done in the past 3 years!
In fact, this mirrors the exact process my team and I go through to stay focused and on point… and we accomplish A LOT.
This simple, downloadable planning toolkit will help you:
- Get clear on what’s most important to accomplish in the year ahead
- Narrow your massive list down to the top ten “must get done” projects
- Create a clear, month-by-month action plan so you know exactly what to do (and not do) to stay out of overwhelm and reach your goals
- Laser in on ONE thing that will give you the biggest edge this year and beyond
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Marie: It’s another Tuesday and it’s a very special Tuesday! ahahaha! It’s because I stuck it in my boobs. (ahaha!) Do you want to know why it’s a special Q&A Tuesday?
It’s our anniversary! Yeah!!! Seriously, one year ago... Jams, I know you’ve had a drinking problem so we’re not going to give you any. Ahaha! We’re just kidding, Jams doesn’t have a drinking problem. So Michelle, let’s talk about this for a minute.
You guys, you know Michelle, you all know Michelle. So one year ago, do you remember how we launched MarieTV?
Michelle: Yes, you were jumping on a couch shouting happy new year.
Marie: Let me show that.
Michelle: Hang on.
Marie: Happy new year! Happy new year! Happy new year!
Marie: That was a long time ago! So um... Just because we are really excited. Michelle, thank you for celebrating.
Michelle: Thank you for the champagne.
Marie: Oh! She loves champers. Which is awesome. So this is not a regular Q & A Tuesday as you know we usually don’t drink on a Q & A Tuesday but…
Michelle: Until after the cameras are off.
Marie: Until, Yes! And that’s when we go like this! Hang on! So this time of the year, obviously there’s been a lot of celebrating, happening and we are super excited to have the one year anniversary of MarieTV. You know there are a lot of talk about goals during the new year and I would like to think about rather than goals is what are you inspired to create about this year? What is really lighting your fire? What would you like to see happen over the next 12 months that will make you so freaking happy? I don’t know. Rip your panties off like ahhh!! like that or something. Something really good you know what I mean.
So that’s the first thing that I want you to think about is what are you really inspired to create and in a few minutes, I’m going to give you a tool that’s going to help you to take that inspiration of what you want to create and break it down into digestible chunks, a whole planning tool that will help you actually get it done. Does that sound good? (Yeah!) All right that’s cool, I’m going to give you that in just a minute but first, I want to tell you about what I am inspired to create this year and how I want your help in doing that.
MarieTV has been amazing so for the past twelve months, we’ve been working our buns off trying to create amazing videos and my intention with this whole project is to deliver the most value that I can to you. To help you create an outstanding, profitable, satisfying business and to help you have a freaking amazing life. That’s my intention with everything that I shoot. So my intention and my inspiration for this year is to make MarieTV outrageous and I want your help with that.
Below this video, you’ll see a link to a very fast and easy MarieTV survey. I’m going to ask you a few simple questions that will help me, help you do this even better than I’ve ever done before. So are you in? Okay, cool. Now here’s the deal, remember that cool planning tool that I told you about at the beginning of this video? Well, that is your free gift for helping me out with this survey.
So the moment that you complete the survey, I’m going to give a nice little tutorial on how to use our awesome planning tool - the same tool we use in our company and we accomplished a lot. And I can’t wait to take you through it and I can’t wait to hear all your answers and all the ideas that you have to help me make Marietv even better and reach more people.
So, thank you so much for watching! Thank you for celebrating our one year anniversary. Happy new year and of course, I want to hear what you are inspired to create. So even beyond the survey, make sure that you leave a response below this video, leave a video response I’d love to see your beautiful face or just leave a written comment whenever you feel like it is good.
If you like this video, like it by clicking the like button right here in Youtube. And of course share this video with all your friends because people are enjoying MarieTV and I want them to help me make it better too. Of course if you’re not yet on the newsletter list, come on over to marieforleo.com. Put your name and your email in and you’ll get every Marietv that we ever do forevermore. Thank you so much and I’ll catch you again next time.
Once you’ve watched the video, access your 3-part free planning toolkit below.
Also our team is always busy creating new MarieTV episodes for you and we want to make them as relevant and useful as possible. So tell me… What specific challenge in your business or life are you actively trying to solve right now? I’d love to know!
In the comments below, tell me what YOU are inspired to create this year, as well as the specific insights you gained from using your brand new planning toolkit.
Which reminds me. The planning toolkit, while beautiful and awesome, does not fill itself out. You need to follow the instructions and actually USE it if you want results.
Strategic planning exercises like this are what separates the wannabes from the winners so don’t screw around, OK? Take action and do it NOW.
Step #1 – Creating Your Top Ten List:
- In a journal or on a blank piece of paper, brainstorm ALL of the things you want to accomplish this year. This is in addition to what needs to happen to keeping your company running. Really think through this and make sure that your list includes both personal goals (vacations, spending time with family, getting healthy, etc.) and professional goals (individual projects you want to accomplish that will help to grow your company like build list by X percent, develop and launch product on X, split test and update my website to get better traffic, etc.).
- Now circle all of the “must get done this year” items that you REALLY want to make happen. Ideally the things you circle will contain both personal and professional goals.
- Look at what you circled and pick the top 10 things you want to accomplish this year.
- Download our “Top Ten List” worksheet, and write in the top 10 things from your brainstorm list that you absolutely want to accomplish this year. Make sure you are very specific with what you write down and list goals that are measurable. For example, if you want to get in better shape, don’t just write “lose weight,” instead write “go to the gym for one hour 3X per week.”
Step #2 – Creating Your Action Plan:
- Download and open up the the next worksheet titled “My Action Plan.”
- You can either print it out, type directly in the sheet (make sure you’re using Adobe Reader, not “Preview” if you want to save your info directly in the PDF) and print later or save it to your computer.
- Go through the brainstorm list that you created and start transferring items into each month. Start by adding in things you know will take place in a particular month. Examples of this would be vacations you know about now, things you know are required in your business during certain months (i.e. tax time, getting ready for holiday sales, etc.).
- Now go back over your Top Ten List and add in one major item to each month in your action plan. Generally the months of August and December are more personal life oriented (i.e. treat yourself to some time off baby!) and the rest of the months are growth oriented.
- Be aggressive but realistic with yourself. New projects always take longer than you think so be sure to distinguish between “creation” time and launch time. This also means you need to find a balance between leading the life you want to lead (vacations and time with family), keeping your business afloat by continuing the day to day activities that are required (keep the ship running stuff), and planning for growth by knowing what projects will grow your business and mapping out which month you will tackle each individual project.
- When you’re done with this exercise, you’ll have clear map of the most important projects and activities to accomplish during each month this year. This will help you focus on what is important in each individual month instead of having a gazillion goals roaming around in your head all year long scattering your focus from what you really should be doing!
Step #3 – Nailing Down Your One Big Idea For The Year:
- Look at your Top Ten List and really think about what you top money making idea is this year.
- Download the “My Big Idea” sheet and write your top money making idea on it.
- This step is super important – make sure sure you don’t just do this exercise and then forget about it. Post it as the screensaver on your computer, print and tape it to your wall, put it on your refrigerator, or anything else you need to do to remind yourself of it every single day.
- Remember – this is the single most important thing you need to focus on this year. That means you need to make sure you look at it every day. And as you make moves and decisions in your life and business this year make sure you are continually going back to this one goal and taking the necessary actions to make it happen.
Good luck with this process and please keep me updated on how this works out for you.
I can personally attest that these simple exercises have MAJORLY increased the productivity and focus in my business and life and I want you to experience that same success.
Thanks, as always for tuning in, and Happy New Year!